Who We Are

Kevin And Susie Larson Academy is a school that was founded in 2013, located in Uruhetse Village, Gasanze Cell, Nduba Sector, Gasabo District in Kigali city, Rwanda.

The school started Through the vision of Nyiramategeko Souzane, after realizing the lack of nursery schools in Uruhetse Village and the fact that at the time most of the families couldn’t afford to send their children to school because the only schools that were available were either expensive or far from their homes, that’s why the school became a prayer answered for many parents who wished to provide an education to their children. From 2013 up to now Kevin And Susie Larson Academy have graduated more than four hundred children, contributed to the wellbeing of the surrounding local community’s social development. In the school administration we have the School Founders Nyiramategeko Souzane and her husband Rev Dr Ndyamiyemenshi Nathan, School Director, Teachers and Parents committee, this team has served together very well, which has led to many successes.

Kevin And Susie Larson Academy has provided school fees for more than 30 children, this 2021 Academic year we have 13 children who are on a full scholarship paid by Kevin Larson a friend of our school, we have also 3 children who are studying free of charge, 10 of these children were picked by the local leaders of Uruhetse Village from poor families who couldn’t afford any kind of education to their children. There is also 3 children of the school employees who are studying free of charge.
The school has a close relationship with local government officials in charge of Education for guidance and support in order to provide a quality education. Kevin And Susie Larson
Academy Founders: Rev Dr Ndyamiyemenshi Nathan and Nyiramategeko Souzane The school also provides culture lessons and experience to the children, such as traditional dance, drums, poems and songs, this has been a great tool to teach them and build their confidence.

This last eight years Kevin And Susie Larson Academy have made a big impact in our local community where the school is located; we have graduated more than 400 children who went to start their Primary school education, we have carried out different training to the Parents on Early Childhood Development program, sanitation and so on. We have paid health care insurance for families who couldn’t afford it in our local community.

We have a literacy program for adult who didn’t have an opportunity to study including some of the parents of our children, this has helped them a lot and at the end of the program they are able to read and write at the same time they are able to help their children with their homework. The school is striving to continue to grow in order to continue to provide quality education to the primary level, that’s why we have started the steps of applying for primary one so that the children who graduate at our nursery school can be able to continue their studies at our school. After years renting the school is now operating in new built classes by the owners of the school so the number of classrooms have increased. We are determined to continue to give our small contribution to the development of our community and country through quality education and community outreach programs.

– Rev Dr. Ndyamiyemenshi Nathan and Mrs Nyiramategeko Souzane

Kevin and Susie Larson Academy’s Vision is to develop and encourage a well-rounded, confident and responsible pupil by providing quality education with excellence, faith and culture.
To provide high quality education and childcare in a safe, respectful and inclusive environment that builds a foundation for life-long learning, This will be done through a welcoming, happy, safe, and supportive learning environment in which everyone is equal and respected.

Find out more about our Sponsors

In 2020, God planted an audacious dream in Kevin and Susie’s hearts: To build a school in Rwanda. Through years of prayer and hard work, God helped them make this dream a reality.

With Kevin’s experience in construction management and their incredible Rwandan partners, they were able to help carry out each step of the process—from funding to building to filling the school with equipment, teachers, and students. They were also able provide tuition scholarships for children who otherwise couldn’t afford to attend. Along the way, mentoring local men and women to become strong leaders in the community.

-Kevin & Susie

Our core values

4308959 Learning & Fun
We have tons of engaging and effective learning activities and free printables.
Romantic dinner icon,vector illustration.
EPS 10. Healthy Meals
Include milk, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains, and they provide key nutrients.
lawyer-21-512 Children Safety
Area concerned with limiting children’s exposure and reducing children’s risk of harm.
download Cute Environment
School environment allows students and teachers to feel emotionally and physically safe.

Meet our Staff

All staff have access to professional opportunities that include international placement, training and professional development programmes.

Mrs Uwamahoro Sifa-PhotoRoom
Director of Studies (DoS)
School Headmaster